Verbo 7 | AR | Cuento 5

Billy sees his family in the gym crowd when he lowers his head and cries, Marcos is tired, but when he sees Billy lean on the ropes and cries, Marcos enters the ring to help Billy. When Marcos enters the ring, Pablo Poblador grabs the blue chair and climbs it on his head. When Billy sees that Pablo raises the chair, he shouts at Marcos "iojol iojol iCuidadol", but Marcos never listens to Billy. Pablo hits Marcos in the coconut with the azu chair, knocks Marcos down to the iona and the Assassins defeat the two Mama's Boys in the first round. At that moment on the canvas, Marcos decides that he will never fight again in the future. He makes the decision to reform his life To the decision to be a professor where nobody hits him in the head with chairs After having this idea, he tells the idea to Billy, who is face up on the canvas of the ring. Marcos says to Billy, "Hey Billy, I never want to be a fighter anymore, I want to be a mae in a school, just a teacher, I just want to be a fighter." While Mark talks, the two Assassins step on the heads of Mark and Billy with their boots The Assassins raise their arms in the air while the announcer announces loudly, "And the victors of this fight are the Assassins." The losers of this fight are the Mama's Boys "In the dressing room after the fight, the referee gives Billy a hundred dollars, with whom he always drinks ice cream with his family after the fights. Billy takes the money and goes to his bicycle with seven seats, where his family awaits him


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