Estar 7 | EMOCION 5 | Escaliata

Fidel shoots the Apostoi in the leg when he hits Fidel on his bike Baconao. When Leonel Gomez sees that his friend flies through the air, he stands up and runs quickly with a hand on his lung. Leonel jumps a puddle and escapes north to freedom, but the Apostle falls to the cement of the street between two rivers of blood. Castro walks to the Apostle to finish it when his friend "el Chino" shouts, "Vámos Fidel, I hear the politic Fidei and his stressed friend decide to run to the apartment of Rafael Diaz-Balart When they run, Fidel stumbles in the street and sees his reflection in a puddle Fidel smiles and feels in love El Chino says to Fidel, "Get up crazy guajiro, the police come Fidel gets up and runs with Chino until they pass through the great staircase of the University of Havana. The escalinta at the entrance to the university has eighty-eight stops It is ten and twenty-nine at night when they arrive at the stairway Fidel thinks that he is the president of Cuba as he climbs each scale slowly. They reach the top of the escalinta where there is a bronze statue called Alma Mater, which is a woman sitting on a bronze chair. From that statue, a person can see all the clude of Havana Fidel scale the statue and sits on the skirt of Alma Mater with Chino sitting at the foot of the statue. Fidel takes out a Monte Cristo from his guayabera He lights it up and asks Chino, "What do you want to do with your life? "El Chino replies," I want to be an attorney, and what about your guajiro? "I want the farna and the glory And he wants to die here with my face to the sun," Fidel replies

packet 7


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