Presente 2 | YO-GO 2 | Paseao

are the five o'clock in the afternoon. seven trumpets play "our Lady of the Macarena the doors to the yard crews open. the three crews entering I roll. on the sound of the trumpet, the bullfighters hear applause and the roar of the public. the Arena is a nest of emotion, but chicha not heard a voice important. his father not much talk and nun CA applauds during a run. is man action. you may know how your dad feels for their actions. your Daddy likes runs, but not like that chicha is torera. before going to run, dad always lit a candle at home in Lima chicha is the first person out quad crews. she is mounted miss dove. Paco is mounted your horse passionflower with your Rod in hand and his rifle in the chair. the three banderilleros follow Paco and chicha. the Matador the great and the Indian with cluyen ride crews opposite to the public in the Arena before the run. during the ride, the public see that chicha takes clothing simple. his clothing consists of a black vest, jeans with zajones and cowboy boots. your hair has a streak to one side and a ponytail under a black hat. chicha also takes a Rosary. Rosary has dosci- entas mini ears Bulls. when she reads, she plays ears Golden representing it kills. ie Rosario also has a cross which is about your heart. after the ride, the three crews return to the yard crews where the Indian the Bulls looking chicha with eyes jealous while she expected trumpet indicating your turn fight Bulls


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