Presente 1 | O-UE 2| Dos Amigos

The olive grove where the girl prays is called "Getsemani and is in a cattle ranch in the field that is outside the capital Lima." The livestock is called "El Moro Bravo" and is where the girl lives with her family. He raises and breeds the brave bulls in the famous cattle ranch to fight in the spectacular bullfights of Peru.The golden light of the sun illuminates the purple face of the eighteen-year-old girl in the olive grove when she hears a screaming voice, Chicha! iven, that It's time!" Chicha responds, I'm going, dad! "She gets up and picks up her crutch and rapier from the grass before riding Miss Paloma She makes the sign of the cross and leaves the olive grove for the house. Her horse, she wipes her eyes with her delicate home and smiles because she is not going to die during the bullfight She thinks that because she confesses her sins to God, and because she pleads for her protection, that God blesses her with life. When Chicha arrives at the house, her dog Santiago waits for her best friend in the horse trailer When Miss Paloma gets into the trailer, Santiago barks and wags her tail with pure joy The two friends walk together in the trailer to all the runs .


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