Presente 1 | O-UE 4 | Piensamientos

On the way to Cusco Chicha his crew sing sad Argentine tangos while the Gypsy plays the guitar The faces of the singers are happy, but their hearts are heavy. two. They try to ignore their emotions with singing, but in reality, they think about the run of that afternoon Chicha presses into the brutality of a bullfight and why she does it. She fights because she likes to challenge her human face against the wild horns of the bulls. Brave bulls exist to fight. There exists to compete. After killing a bull, she never feels triumphant. In the moment of truth "when she kills a bull, she understands the purpose of death and the importance of eternity." Paco the picador is in the truck behind the Studebaker, he sees that the other members of the gang They sing and listen to the Argentine music that goes through the air in the windows of their truck Paco also thinks about life and death, thinks about how much he hates them and what he is going to do with the thirty additional coins that he is going to buy. Paco is the picador of the gang The picador is the first bullfighter in the squad that plays against the taro During a bullfight, Paco mounts a cabalio and shoots the bull with a stick Paco is not Peruvian, but It is Spanish that leaves from Barceiona during the Spanish Civil War In Spain during the civil war, Paco is a socialist and he fights on horseback for the Republicans against the Nationalists.That is why his nickname is the Republican and he always has a rifle in his chair. his Passionary horse during the bull runs, which is not normal.


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