Auxiliar 3 | CUERPO 1 | Parque Alameda
It's October in Mexico and Yuri Vizbor is dead. Iván has just heard the news in the new edition of Pravda, which Natalia has hidden in an edition of Excelsior to the weekly meeting of the clandestine group "Revolutionary Movement" that usually meets in Alameda Park, two blocks away from the University. National Autonomous of Mexico where Natalia studies the sculpture and lván paints graffiti. While Ivan reads the sad news of his favorite singer, tears trickle from his eyes as do the leaves that fall from the poplars in the park where the ten members of the MR-UNAM discuss the news. The ten revolutionaries form a circle under a poplar when the leader of the group of students begins to play a Soviet song Tbl and MeHA odHa on their guitar while they sing and lioran. Normaimente, the group is not sad. The ten intellectual artists often discuss the international revolution and await the glorious day when the United States does not exist and when the Soviet Union conquers the world. Normally, Ivan thinks about the revolution, but today he thinks about the music of Yuri and the beauty of Natalia. After meeting her, Luis is nervous when he asks Natalia if she wants to go back to her apartment to listen to records with him. She says that not today, because she is going to take a walk with Viktor Ivan leaves the park and walks to her apartment where she sees a rabbit in front of her door. The cat waits at the door and anticipates the appro- priate human being. tván does not thank the cat. Ivan pushes the cat and eats the rabbit
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