Auxilliar 3 | CUERPO 4 | Casa de Empeño
Natalia says she does not want to take the class lván, Iván listens to Thunderstruck while memorizing the shape of the pirs and ankles of Natalia for her mural La Conquisto that he has gacas. To paint one night at the UNAM school. After class, Ivan receives ten pesos from the professor of sculpture for work. Ivan puts the money in his long coat and leaves the class without talking more with Natalia to say he does not want to have a coffee with lvan after class. During the rest of When he arrives at his apartment, he sees a squirrel in his porch. The cat frowns when Ivan pushes her and eats the squirrel without appreciating, Ivan enters his apartment- to collect his Russian records and leaves. He goes directly to a pawnshop where he sells his discs except Yuri Vizbor's disc for the respect of the dead lds - and looks at a collection of gold necklaces He gets uncs gold necklaces for his neck Ivan sees that cloth is sold in the Pawn shop too, so he buys a pair of scissors with a lot of blue velvet and a little red silk before going home. Dande works all night. The next day, Ivan opens his eyes and sees that he is going to be late for work, Today, he takes more than one Speedo and Converse when he runs to class. Ivan arrives and says I'm sorry, he teaches the song Heat of the Moment when he enters the class of students they use to change their sculptures They add gold necklaces and a cheroki to their Sculptures ambin need to add a white shirt and a red tie with a coat form and chartsazu them, iván note that Natalia smiles at the teacher when il touches Love Bltes on the turntable
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