Me Gusta 4 | ROPA 1 | Puente del Papa

Before hurricane Alex destroys the Bridge of the pope in Monterrey, it is normal to spoon cumbia music and see groups of young people dancing in circles under the bridge. What does not destroy the hurricane, destroy or the government or the zetas Now everything is silent in Monterrey, Now, there is no music No dances. There are no young people cotorteando the streets. One of the young people who usually dance with all their heart to the rhythms of the cum below the bridges see the night cibuses is Guillermo "elGallo-Garcia Gallego, Guillermo does not graduate from the secondary school Ael, he does not like to study stupid subjects of Teachers are just the people who can not get a good job like Guillermo washes dishes in a Chinese restaurant called "La Fortuna" Guillermo's parents are stupider than the teachers, their potatoes are garbage and their holy mother suffers in silence. at home AGuillermo, emolesta spend time at home He prefers totorrear the streets with his band the Tropilokos. The Tropilokos are not a gang, but a group of vatos that presents their neighborhood, to Granja When they wake up in the morning, their first decision is to determine what they will wear when they talk with their homies that night. put on because he has a lot of clothes in his cioset. His closet is full of slacks and square pants. It also has many caps of various colors to match well with their shirts and shirts


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