Tener Frase 1 | Wonder Woman

Guillermo is to blame for saying something stupid to the police when he is in the Reformation, that's why the police chase Guillermo and Sofía but the two policemen can not run much. After fleeing from the police, the two young people walk along Avenida Independencia and talk about their lives. When they hear the music that comes from Cerro de la Silla, they run to music. On the way to the hill, they pass under a bridge and Sofia stops running. "Why do not you run? I'm in a hurry, I want to dance," says Guillermo. "Well look, it's the perfect place," says Sofia. "Perfect for what?" Asks Guillermo. "To paint graffiti," Sofia responds and she pulls a can of spray paint from her bag and begins to paint the bridge cement. Do you have birds on your head? I do not want any more problems with the police, "Guillermo yells." Relax, man. I am going to be careful. Guillermo is afraid and does nothing. On the bridge, Sofía paints TOCA A WOMAN WITH LOVING, NOT WITH IRA-WON DER WOMAN. "Why do you paint wonder woman?" Asks Guillermo, "Not nenesentido." Sofia responds, "My name is Wonder Woman when I paint because I love comics and my favorite superhero is Wonder Woman because she has an invisible plane. I love that plane, I want a single super power, I want to be invisible, I'm invisible to my parents, they do not see me at home, they do not talk to me, they do not include me in anything, I do not feel part of a family. I do not feel much, the only thing that gives me pleasure in life is to dance and paint graffiti when I feel super, like Wonder Woman "


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