Cognado 5 | ARIO 2 | Balsero

Assassin! Matador! come, honey! "an old man shouts at his two dogs, the man with the long beard walks slowly to the tree where his dogs bark and where Mariana waits for his salvation with the woman, the man shouts at the women," Hi! Why are they in my tree? "" Because their dogs are going to eat us, "Mariana replies" Of course they are going to eat them, but why are they in my tree by my side of the river?yes, and now we want to return home, but the river has no bridges. You know where the balse is - ask the women. "I'm the rafter, but I usually go in one direction, ro?" I usually go from east to west, "says the old man." We understand, but tonight, can you take us to the other shore? We do not have the energy to swim implore women. Why do not you spend the night with me in my house? Ask the hunger with a dirty smile. "Um thank you, but we want to go home tonight," the women reply, "we have money," "Okay, but I have two problems," says the man, "I have space on the raft for only one extra person and I also have Two dogs that need to eat There is a solution to my two problems and money is not the solution. " The man laughs and waits Mariana thinks a moment and jumps from the tree in front of the dogs.


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