Verbo 7 | AR | Cuento 2

Billy and Marcos puts purple diapers, purple masks and enters the ring of the Palace Gym to fight with other fighters, Billy and Marcos form the team of fighters that is called "The Mama's Boys" They will fight against the team "The Assassins who shape of Pablo Poblador and Toni Trabajador Toni and Pablo are super famous fighters They are not from Morelia, but they are from Mexico City Pablo and Toni are frightful They weigh a lot and have super strong muscles when they enter the ring in the gym and the thousands of fans watch the two frightful fighters, all the fans scream loudly in loud voices.When Billy Marcos enters the ring, only two people applaud.The announcer enters the ring and presents the four fighters to the thousands of fans who watch the He fights in the gym, the announcer speaks into the microphone and shouts "In the red corner it is the most famous and most frightful team in the world. They come from Mexico City. The city of the Aztecs. The city of Moctezuma. The city of our people, of our race, of our heart the Assassins! And in the blue corner are the Mama's Boys. "When Billy and Marcos see the huge fighters in the ring with them, they go to the bathroom in their diapers They do not doubt that they are going to lose the fight At that moment, Billy and Marcos do not want to be Elcucuy or The Chupacabras, they want to be in their homes safe and sound.


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