Cognado 6 | GENDER 2 | Venganza

Mariana escapes the incident to the river with her life. She sinks the raft and the woman in the river. Mariana swims in the water and when she arrives on the other side of the river, she crawls to the shore. Mariana is half dead. She is afraid that she will die because it is cold and her clothes are wet from being in the water of the river. She has only one option, She needs to walk to the orphanage, change her clothes and sleep. She also thinks about taking hot soup. She crawls from the river to the streets of the city and bequeaths to the orphanage. When she arrives at the orphanage, she sees that the police are already there. She opens the door of the orphanage and the police asks, You are Mariana "If Mariana answers," but why are you? You need to come with us, "answers a policeman." But, I do not understand, says Mariana, you are arrested for a robbery in the Banco Nacional When Mariana hears that she leaves the orphanage and runs fast with all her energy. She runs and the police chase her Elia runs through the cathedral and goes through the ice cream shop until they reach the central park. The police do not run fast and do not reach. The police do not see that Mariana jumps into the red water of the fountain in the middle of the park. The police ask a woman who takes ice cream to the fountain, "you see a girl?" The woman says she does not see a girl and the police leaves the park, Mariana and her head comes up from the red water and says "thank you" the woman Mariana says to him, "Woman, it is the Day of the Dead and everyone is with family. Why are you here alone? "" Love and revenge, girl, "says the woman," love and revenge


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