Cognado 2 | DAD 2 | La Bicicleta

Mariana leaves McDonald's with her seven friends an ice bag with hand out Now, she wants to find milk to put in the bag. Milk is an ingredient needed for the offering that she needs to present to her mother at midnight to the tree in the park, Mariana wants to go to the supermarket to steal the milk, but Juan and the other boys want to steal money from a bank, Mariana and the boys start walking to the Central Bank when they see thousands of children in the street. The children have skull masks on their faces and plastic calabasas on their hands. There are many children in the street and it is difficult to walk. While they walk, Manuel sees a bicycle at the door of an ice cream shop Manuel and his friends cross the street to see the bicycle. The bike is interesting because it has seven seats Manuel says it is perfect for the group, except the bike has seven seats and the group has eight people. Manuel says he does not need to ride the bike. Manuel says he can walk to the bank, but Juan does not accept what Manuel Manuel says, we're going to steal the bike by bike to the Central Bank to steal the bank, but you go with us on the Mariana bike, you're going to walk while the seven boys are on the bike, "insists Juan, Juan always insults Mariana, the boys go out on the bike and Mariana walks in the street with her ice bag, while she walks, a girl from the street comes to Mariana. girl grabs Mariana's hand and asks, "Are you my mom?"

Vocab words
1. conveniente  6. dormido
2. consciente    7. combatiente
3. valiente          8. corresponsal
4. vivo                 9. dependiente
5. excepcional  10. paciente


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