Clase Frase 5 | Caras y Gestos

When Juan sees Mariana's drawing, he shouts, "What, are you serious?
Do you play with this stupid student? "But Mariana does not like it when Juan yells
she. So she asks Juan, "Juan, can I go to the bathroom?" Juan says that she can go
to the bathroom, if you have your agenda. Juan signs Mariana's agenda and she goes to the bathroom.
boyfriend and co-
When Mariana goes to the bathroom, Juan is upset and tells the students, "We are not going
to draw more! If you do not understand what 'a robbery' means, we will prove it! Not going-
Let's play more. Now, let's play Faces and Gestures. Let's start now.
When Mariana enters the bathroom, she closes the door and turns on the light. She takes urn
cell phone from your pocket. She is upset that Juan yells at her, so she calls the
jail and she wants to go out with Simon.
When she leaves the bathroom, she sees that Juan and the other thieves play Faces and Ges-
cough with foreign students. The students still do not understand what 'a
robbery ', so the thieves take their wallets out of their pockets, put the wallets in a
table and raise your hands to the air. At that time, foreign students understand and
they yell, "Oh, that's a steal!" At that time, the police arrive and listen to the students.
that the students rob the thieves and arrest Simon and his friends.
The police think


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