Cognado 1 | IÓN

The police come to McDonald's to arrest Simon and his friends because the police think Simon is a thief. Juan and his six friends have their hands up when the police leave with Simon. When the police leave, there is silence in the restaurant. Clients leave the restaurant. It's a funny situation and the kids start to laugh. The boys laugh, but Mariana is very serious. "Now, what are we going to do?" We need money, Mariana exclaims, "I need the money for the offering. It's very important. "" I do not know what we're going to do, "says Juan," I do not care about your offering. What I im port is to steal I like to look at the eyes of the person I steal. I like to see the fear in his eyes. What I want to know is who calls the police, "says Juan." Who calls the police? I call the police, "says one man," All the boys and Mariana see a man at a table. "The man does not look at the boys, He looks in the other direction than the boys" Who are you? " Juan asks the man, the man begins to belch his name letter by letter, "JUAN." "Is his name Juan?" Juan asks, "No, sir, your name is Juan. My name is not your business, "replies the man. The man says, "Mariana, why do not you come to my table, I want to talk to you, Mariana goes to the table and talks to the mysterious man." Juan is afraid in his eyes and says nothing.


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