Cognado 1 | IÓN 2 | ¿Sabes Quièn Soy?

When Mariana comes to the table, the man says, "Sit." Mariana is afraid, but
sits at the table. She sees that the man is bald and with the face of a skull. The man is
old but young The man is strange and smells like a fart.
"Do you know who I am?" The man asks Mariana. Mariana spends a moment
in silence and says, "Yes, I know who you are, are you coming for me?" Mariana asks. "Alone-
mind for a conversation: Do not worry, "replies the man
The man shouts at the other six thieves with his hands in the air, "Guys, no one is
in the restaurant. Please steal the money from the box and eat all the hamburgers that
they want. "The boys start to steal and eat hamburgers while the man and
Mariana converses.
"Do you like Juan?", The man asks Mariana. "Juan accepts me in his group
I like to be part of your group, "Mariana replies." Does it affect you? "asks the
man. "It's a stupid question
man. "Afection comes from parents and I do not have parents, I have friends.
Now I have this stupid conversation with you. What do you want me to say?
say nothing. I want to know why you steal innocent people in the restaurant. the man responds calmly. Mariana looks at the man's eyes and starts answering


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