Cognado 4 | ANCIA 1 | Procesión

Esperanza and thousands of children on the other side take the ice cream from Mariana's offering, without the offering, Mariana can not talk to her mother at midnight. Esperanza has the idea of ​​making grass bracelets with the thousands of children. With the money from the bracelets, Mariana can buy ice cream for her mom. Now, Mariana and Esperanza walk to the cathedral to sell the bracelets to the people who leave the cathedral. The children also go to the cathedral in a procession of thousands of forgotten souls. As they walk from the park to the cathedral, the children push themselves and get annoyed as all the students do in all classes in all the schools in all the countries of the world, "Esperanza," says Mariana. "Yes," Esperanza responds. "How is it coming from?" asks Mariana: "Lonely, why?" asks Esperanza. "Curious", says Mariana, "You know my mom?". I do not know, many mothers are on the road, how old are you? "Asks Esperanza." I do not know. More than thirty, "says Mariana," what's her name? "Esperanza asks." I do not know what her name is, "Mariana replies," I do not know anything about her. " "Mariana," says Esperanza. "Yes," Mariana replies, "Do not worry about the offering for your mom, what it is for a person to remember us, when you remember we want your mom, she is present with you, if your mom loves you, she is present when you think about her, "Mariana says," Thank you, Esperanza, but you know you have red mole sauce on your face? "says Esperanza," I want to see if my mom accepts me with a dirty face. "


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